Placement Reporting
East West College of Natural Medicine rigorously applies the following Placement Definition to outcomes reported by all campuses that align with our accreditor guidelines. Any graduate is placed when the graduate meets one or more of the following criteria.
The graduate is deemed placed when the graduate’s job TITLE is published by the institution within the program the graduate completed. Job titles are published on each campus website in compliance with USDOE Title IV regulations and are identified in the Department’s CIP-to-SOC Crosswalk (Standard Occupational Classification, U.S. Department of Labor) with the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code of this program.
The graduate is deemed placed when the graduate’s predominate component of the job requires use of SKILLS learned in the program. The skills lists are published on each campus website and/or College Catalog. The majority of skills are documented in the job description.
The graduate is deemed placed when the graduate was placed based upon the benefit of the campus TRAINING, maintained a current job, supported a promotion, or improved job related skills.​
The college calculates placement rates as follows:
(Placed by job TITLE + Placed by SKILLS + Placed by benefit of TRAINING)
((Completers + Graduates) – (Exemptions*))
* Exemptions are: pregnancy, death or other health-related issues, continuing education, military service, visa restrictions, enrollment in English as a Second Language (ESL) program, and incarceration.
NCCAOM Performance Report
NCCAOM Exam Comparison
January 2023 to December 2023
EWC vs National NCCAOM