Library Resources
The East West College Library is open from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM Monday through Thursday and 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM on Fridays. The Campus Librarian is available Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 11:30 am to 4:30 pm to assist students and instructors with obtaining library materials and/or with research needs. When the librarian is not available, please see a member of the administrative team for assistance. Students are encouraged to use the LIRN database to find scholarly articles for their assignments. LIRN can be accessed 24/7 from campus or remotely. The link for LIRN can be found on this page, under Databases and also on the Subject Guides page. For questions and/or assistance finding materials and/or research articles, please email the Campus Librarian - ( ).

CEUOnline CEU Programs - Click Here In Classroom CEU Programs - Click Here
CPR Class: 4 hoursBecome a confident life-saver by joining our CPR class! In this comprehensive course, you'll gain essential skills in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) – the knowledge that could make a crucial difference in an emergency situation. What You'll Learn: Identifying and responding to emergencies Properly calling for help Hands-on CPR techniques Effective use of an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) Cost $45 For More Information: Call our office at 941-355-9080.
GraduationDecember 9, 2023
LecturesTo see a list of our lectures Click Here.
Wellness Conference with Interactive LearningAnti-aging, Self-Care, Improving Energy and Emotional Balance Courtyard by Marriott Sarasota/Lakewood Ranch 8305 Tourist Center Drive, Bradenton, FL 34201 Sunday, December 3, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Monday, December 4 (Optional Free Bonus Day, Tai Chi at Beach) Sunday December 3 9:00 AM: Dance Exercise: Dance for Fun and Energy (Sandy) 9:30 AM: Qi, Dao, Nutrition, and Healing: Holistic healing lecture (Dr. Kuhn) Dr. Kuhn will explain effective ways for healing, prevention and maintaining a optimum health and balanced immune system. Proven wisdom that changes lives and health. 10:45 AM: Demonstration: Tai Chi Double Fan Open Channel Qi Gong: Follow Dr. Kuhn and Instructors to practice a short Qi Gong form. Feel relaxation and rejuvenation. 11:15 AM: Sharing your healing experience: Members of the Tai Chi & Qi Gong Healing Institute and non-members will share their healing experiences and practices. You will gain knowledge and support. 12:00 Noon: Sing along: Heal the World Q & A, Raffle: Basket, Gift certificate, free classes (in person, Zoom class), Dr. Kuhn’s Book, T shirt) 12:30 to 1:30 PM: Healthy Lunch and social Afternoon 1:30 PM: Secrets of Longevity & Happy Aging: (Dr. Kuhn) In this lecture you will learn 30 secrets to living longer, healthier, and happier. You can use these practices to maintain your memory and prevent brain aging. You will follow Dr. Kuhn to experience some brain wellness exercises. 2:30 to 3:15 PM: Tai Chi for Balance, Coordination, and Relaxation: (Gina S) Feel your body channels opened, balance improved, feel relaxed, and an immediate change in energy, emotion, and happiness. 3:30 to 4:15 PM: Qi Gong for Emotional Balance: (Patti G) Emotional health is crucial to physical health. Restoring and maintaining emotional health can help to prevent many ailments such as depression, anxiety, heart disease, respiratory disease, metabolic disease, physical pain, and more. Learning simple Qi Gong and using it for daily care can help you to maintain emotional balance and health. 4:30 to 5:00 PM Tai Chi Circle: Students will practice Tai Chi 24 steps in a large circle, to experience a fun practice. December 4: (Optional Free Bonus Day) Tai Chi / Qi Gong at the beach: 9:30 to 11:30 AM Practice Tai Chi and Qi Gong at beautiful and famous “Siesta Key Beach.” Experience an amazing blend of nature and human energy. Bring sunscreen and a hat.
Useful LinksThe following links provide information that may be useful or interesting. However, EWCNM cannot attest to the accuracy of the information provided on these links or any other linked site. These links do not constitute an endorsement by EWCNM or any of its employees of the sponsors of these sites or the information or products presented therein. Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine (AOM) Acupuncture Today Blue Poppy Redwing Books American Academy of Medical Acupuncture TCM Health-Info Biomedicine Merk Manuals The Cochrane Collaboration Chinese Language Learning Chinese Online Google Translator Chinese-English Dictionary Complementary & Alternative Medicine (CAM) NCCAM American Chiropractic Association National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy Reiki: The Healing Touch The Bach Centre (Bach Flower Remedies) American Society of Clinical Hypnosis Health Conditions American Heart Association Aids Info American Cancer Society The Body: The HIV/AIDS Resource Muscular Dystrophy Association Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Sydrome Leukemia and Lymphoma Society American Diabetes Association National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases: Herbal & Botanical Medicine Dictionary of Chinese Herbs Herbal World News Online Henriette's Herbal Homepage HerbMed National Institute of Medical Herbalists Dr. Duke's Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases Homeopathy Homoeopathic Online Education (Simillimum) The Homeopathic Pharmacopeia if the United States (Homeopathic Books) National Center for Homeopathy Study Aids (flashcards) : Chinese Medicine for a Restless World TCM Student
Research ToolsTutorials Online Guide to Writing and Research-- University of Maryland, University College How to Write a Research Paper--© Copyright 1999, Charles King, Georgetown University Finding Information on the Internet -- UC Berkeley Library Pubmed Online Tutorial -- a web-based learning program that will show you how to search PubMed®, the National Library of Medicine journal literature search system. APA STYLE GUIDE (American Psychological Association) APA Tutorial APA Formatting & Style Guide -- OWL @ Purdue University WRITING GUIDES OWL - Purdue University Online Writing Lab Writer's Handbook - University of Wisconsin-Madison Writing Center Writing Resources - Rutgers University Writer's Web - University of Richmond Writing Center AVOIDING PLAGIARISM Plagiarism Defined Plagiarism Overview - Rutgers University
TCM OrganizationsThese professional and regulatory organizations may provide helpful information for a career in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine ACAOM is the national accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education to accredit Master's-level programs in the acupuncture and Oriental medicine profession. American Association of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine The AAOM exists to promote the professional field of acupuncture and oriental medicine,as a distinct primary care field of medicine. It supports legislative and public policy changes, community partnerships, and public awareness. Students members are welcome and encouraged to become involved. California Acupuncture Board This site provides all the information needed to obtain licensure for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in the State of California. Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine CCAOM promotes Acupuncture and Oriental medicine by promoting educational excellence within the field. Information regarding the Clean Needle Technique (CNT) course is available at this site. Successful completion of the CNT course is one of the requirements for NCCAOM certification and graduation from the East West College of Natural Medicine. Florida Board of Acupuncture This state agency oversees the licensing of acupuncturists in the state of Florida. Application procedures, current licenses, and license renewal processes are addressed at this site. Florida State Oriental Medicine Association The mission of the FSOMA is to promote the profession of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine through clinical excellence, practitioner support, and freedom of public access. National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine NCCAOM offers national board certification in Acupuncture, Chinese Herbology, and Asian Bodywork Therapy. NCCAOM Certification indicates to employers, patients, and peers that one has met national standards for the safe and competent practice of acupuncture as defined by the profession.
Local LibraryEast West College students and faculty are encouraged to take advantage of the extensive learning resources available at other libraries located in the Sarasota area. Florida Electronic Library Resources are available online to any person with a valid Florida Library Card. Resources include Medline via OCLC, Gale Nursing & Allied Health Collection, Gale Health and Wellness Resource Center, Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine and more. Sarasota County Public Library System EWC students may obtain a SCLS card free of charge with proof of Sarasota residency or student ID. There are eight community libraries in Sarasota, all with public access computers and printing services. Sarasota County libraries enjoy a reciprocal borrowing arrangement with both Manatee and Charlotte counties. Manatee County Library System With the proper ID, library cards are free to people who reside in Manatee County. Manatee County Libraries enjoy a reciprocal borrowing arrangement with Sarasota County. Public computers are available with Internet access and printing services. Jane Bancroft Cook Library New College Jane Bancroft Cook Library subscribes to more than 400 databases covering 20,000 electronic journals. Materials and databases are available to students and faculty for in-house use. To borrow materials, you must do so either through inter-library loan at your local public library or purchase a community library card. EWC students who utilize the library must acquire a free parking pass from the campus police. Printing is available for a fee, and is accessed with a rechargeable card. The Cook Library is within walking distance of EWC and has extended hours for convenience. Bishopric Medical Library Located inside Sarasota Memorial Hospital, this is the only medical library with in a 200-mile radius. Materials and databases are available to students and faculty for in-house use. Particularly useful for students would be the Natural Standard database.
Library Catalog, Policies, and ProceduresThe East West College of Natural Medicine Library & Research Center maintains a growing collection of acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, herbology, and alternative medicine literature. The 2500 volume print collection is supplemented by multi-media materials, professional journals, and electronic resources. The Library is equipped with computers with Internet access for students to search the library's online catalog, access health information, or to complete assignments. A printer/copier is also available. Wireless Internet access is available throughout the entire College. Desks and comfortable seating are available for students to study in a quiet atmosphere. To access the EWCNM Library Catalog, click here: LIBRARY CATALOG Library Hours The EWCNM Library is available to students and faculty Monday-Thursday from 8:30am to 05:30pm and on Friday from 8:30am to 5pm. Reference support is provided by Campus Librarian. The campus librarian is available on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 11:30am to 4:30pm. When the campus librarian is not available, administrative staff members can assist students in locating library materials Monday-Friday from 8:30am to 5:30pm. Borrowing Privileges EWC students, staff, faculty are welcome to borrow materials from the EWC library. Students may borrow up to 8 books at a time. Borrowing Procedures Items can be located by searching the online library catalog or by browsing the shelves. The bookcases are locked at all times. Loan Period Circulating library materials can be borrowed for a period of three (3) weeks except for textbooks. Textbooks can be borrowed for one week with no renewals. Reference materials and journals do not circulate. They may not be removed from the library at any time. Overdue notices will be emailed bi-monthly to your EWCNM school email account. Renewals Books may be renewed twice, as long as there are no other students on the waiting list for that item. Renewals can be done in person or via email. Lost or damaged items Patrons will be charged the replacement cost of the item, plus a $10.00 processing fee. Materials that are out of print or not replaceable will be evaluated on a case by case basis to determine a fair market value. Students with overdue, lost or damaged library materials will have their borrowing privileges suspended. Book Return Library materials that have been checked out through our online system should be placed in the book return bin (aka library book drop) located near the entrance to the school. Books taken from bookcases and used only in the library should be placed on the black book cart near the librarian’s desk (Re-shelving area). Journals A wide collection of professional journals are available both in print and online. Journals may not be borrowed or removed from the library. Computer Access/Use There are computers located in the library for student use. The computers may be used to search the library’s website and online catalog, to access health information, and for word processing. School computers are to be used only for school-related activities. Students should bring a flash drive or cd on which to save their work, as personal work should not be saved to the library computers. Anything saved to a library computer will be deleted at the end of each semester.
DatabasesAGRICOLA (AGRICultural OnLine Access) Agricola is a bibliographic database of citations to agricultural literature created by the National Agricultural Library. The records describe publications and resources encompassing all aspects of agriculture and allied disciplines, including plant sciences, extension and education, and food and human nutrition. AMERICAN DRAGON This resource provides access to information about health conditions, herbs, herbal formulas and acupuncture points. A series of videos covering fundamental TCM concepts is also included. Center for Disease Control and Prevention Current public health information on communicable diseases. The Traveler's Health section includes travel advisories for specific geographic regions, disease outbreaks, risks and prevention strategies, plus immunization recommendations. Full-text access to Morbidity and Mortality Weekly reports on communicable disease. Chinese Medicinal Material Images Database This database, from the HKBU library, documents over 420 crude drugs commonly used in Chinese Medicine practice, provides drug information including source, origins, description, quality, taste and clinical indications. Chinese Medicine Specimen Database A collection of all exhibits of Chinese Materia Medica specimens that are displayed in the Chinese Medicine Center of Hong Kong Baptist University A service of the National Institutes of Health, provides regularly updated information about federally and privately supported clinical research in human volunteers. gives you information about a trial's purpose, who may participate, locations, and phone numbers for more details. Daily Med: Current Medication Information DailyMed provides high quality information about marketed drugs. This information includes FDA approved labels (package inserts). This website provides health information providers and the public with a standard, comprehensive, up-to-date, look-up and download resource of medication content and labeling as found in medication package inserts. The National Library of Medicine (NLM) provides this as a public service and does not accept advertisements. - Drug Interactions Checker This site provides information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications and natural products. You can create reports that show the potential for negative interactions among one or more medications. DrugDigest is a noncommercial, evidence-based, consumer health and drug information site dedicated to empowering consumers to make informed choices about drugs and treatment options. Their mission is to provide tools to stay informed about the wide variety of medicines on the market today. It combines the resources of pharmacy experts, licensed doctors of pharmacy from leading academic institutions, and Express Scripts staff physicians. Drug Information Portal- National Library of Medicine Quick access to quality drug information. Includes links to full text. Consumer health information resources developed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Herbs, Botanicals & Other Products This information resource is presented by the Integrative Medicine Service of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. It provides evidence based information about herbs, botanical, supplements and more. Medicinal Plant Images Database This searchable database, from the HKBU library, contains over a thousand medicinal plants summarized in the form of plant images and annotations. LIRN Access millions of peer-reviewed and full-text journals, magazine, newpaper, ebooks, podcast and audio/video content to support your academic studies. Medline Plus From the U.S. National Library of Medicine this public site contains many links to information published by government agencies about different health conditions as well as links to organizations, directories, dictionaries, and clearinghouses. MedTerms MedTerms is an online medical dictionary containing easy-to-understand explanations of over 16,000 medical terms. This dictionary provides quick access to hard-to-spell and often misspelled medical definitions with an extensive alphabetical listing. PubMed PubMed is a service of the National Library of Medicine that includes over 16 million citations from MEDLINE and other life science journals for biomedical articles back to the 1950s. PubMed includes links to full text articles and other related resources. PubMed has the ability to link to related articles once you find an article on your topic. SACRED LOTUS Sacred Lotus is a robust database that provides reference information on TCM Theory, Diagnosis, Herbs, Formulas, and Acupuncture in an easy-to-use web format. Toxnet A collection of toxicology and environmental health databases. Toxicology and Environmental Health SIS specialized information services provided by the National Institutes of Health and the National Library of Medicine. This is a comprehensive toxicology and environmental health website. TRIP Database (Turning Research into Practice) This site was started in 1997 by Jon Brassey and Dr. Chris Price to answer clinical questions using the principles of evidence based medicine. The goal of the database is to answer questions in a relevant time frame using the best available evidence. The site includes links to Evidence Based Medicine Articles, Medical Images and Patient Information Leaflets.
JournalsProfessional journals are available in both print and electronic formats. Details of print holdings may be viewed in the library catalog. E-Journals may be accessed through the links available. Open access E-Journals may be viewed at the following sites: BioMed Central Directory of Open Access Journals PubMed Central HighWire The Cochrane Library American Botanical Council Acupuncture/OM/CAM Journals Online Acupuncture Today- ISSN: 1526-7784 Peer Review: No Print holdings: Yes Online: Full text access 2000-current American Family Physician ISSN: 0002-838X Peer Reviewed: Print Holdings: No Indexed In: PubMed® Online:;q=*;q1=American+Family+Physician;x1=category Full text access 1998- current Annals of Family Medicine ISSN: 1544-1717 (Electronic) Peer Reviewed: Yes Print Holdings No Indexed in: PubMed® Online: Full text access 2003- Current Annals of General Psychiatry ISSN: 1744-859X Peer Reviewed: Yes Indexed in: PubMed®, PubMed Central, Scopus, EMBASE Print holdings: No Online: Full text access 2002- present Annals of Internal Medicine ISSN: 0003-4819 (print) 1539-3704 (electronic) Peer Reviewed: Yes Print holdings: Yes Indexed in: PubMed®, Proquest (full text) Online: Full text access 6 months after publication 1993- current Biomedicine (from China Medical University) Peer Reviewed Open Access Print Holdings: NO BMC Biochemistry ISSN: 1471-2091 Peer Reviewed: Yes Indexed in: PubMed®, MEDLINE, BIOSIS, CAS, Scopus, EMBASE and Google Scholar Print holdings: No Online: Full text access 2000- present Environmental Health ISSN: 1476-069X (Electronic) Peer Reviewed: Yes Print holdings: No Indexed in: PubMed®, PubMed Central, MEDLINE, BIOSIS, CAS, CABI, Scopus, andEMBASE Online: Full text access 2002 - present Family Practice Management ISSN: 1069-5648 Peer Reviewed:Yes Print Holdings:No Indexed in: PubMed® Online: Full text access 1998-current Global Advances in Health & Medicine ISSN: 2164-9561 Peer Reviewed Open Access Print Holdings: NO Immunity & Ageing ISSN: 1742-4933 (Electronic) Peer Reviewed: Yes Indexed in: PubMed®, PubMed Central Print holdings: No Online: Full text access 2004- present International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity ISSN: 1479-5868 (Electronic) Peer Reviewed: Yes Indexed in: PubMed®, MEDLINE, Scopus, and EMBASE Print holdings: No Online: Full Text access 2004 – present International Journal for Equity in Health ISSN: 1475-9276 (Electronic) Peer Reviewed: Yes Indexed in: PubMed®, MEDLINE, BIOSIS, Scopus, and EMBASE Print holdings: No Online: Full Text access 2002- present The Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies Peer Reviewed Open Access Print Holdings: NO The Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine ISSN: 0255-2922 Peer Reviewed Open Access Print Holdings: NO Full-text access: 2008-2018 The Journal of Pharmacopuncture Peer Reviewed Open Access Print Holdings: 2012 – 2016 New England Journal of Medicine ISSN: 0028-4793 (Print) 1533-4406 (Electronic) Peer Reviewed: Yes Print holdings: Yes Indexed in: PubMed® , Proquest Full text Online: Abstracts only 1975-1992; Full Text and abstracts 6 months after publication 1993-current Nutrition & Metabolism ISSN: 1743-7075 (Electronic) Peer Reviewed: Yes Indexed in: PubMed®, MEDLINE, Thompson Scientific, CAS, Scopus, and EMBASE Print holdings: No Online: Full Text access 2004 - present 9 Questions To Help You Make Sense of Health Research - From the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health Zotero Free Citation Management Software TCM Tests - You can test drive, from midnight to midnight, on the first Tuesday of each month, for a full 24 hours with our Free One Day Pass, based on Eastern Standard Time (EST),. You can also sign up for their free TCM Daily question. Many students have found this site helpful when studying for board exams.
Will I learn about herbal therapies at the East West College?Yes, students of the Master of Science in Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine complete Herbal Pharmacy in the East West College Medical Clinic. Students are schooled in the use of raw herbal formulas as well as patent herbs. Upon the completion of the EWCNM program, students are eligible to sit for the NCCAOM certification exam for herbology.
What degrees do you award?East West College of Natural Medicine awards two degrees. The "Bachelor of Professional Health Sciences" and the "Master of Science in Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine" are exclusively conferred concurrently upon successful completion of all academic, clinic, and administrative requirements listed in the Master of Science Degree in Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine Program section of this catalog.
What are the program entrance requirements?Students must have at least 60 credits to enroll in the Master of Science in Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine, including general education requirements from an accredited, degree awarding College or University. Additionally, students must meet EWCNM's Essential Standard requirements. Full details of all requirements may be viewed here.
Am I able to transfer from another Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine school to the East West College of Natural Medicine?Yes, EWCNM accepts transfer students. For requirements and more information, please visit the Master of Science in Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine, Transfer page.
Where will I complete my clinical internship?East West College of Natural Medicine operates a full service Student Clinic on the campus. In addition to practicum hours in our campus Clinic, senior students may complete an externship with one of our approved partners.
Why choose the East West College of Natural Medicine?Our small friendly campus community embraces students and their individuality. The low faculty-to-student ratio allows for individualized attention and guidance. Focus on the traditional roots of Chinese Medicine while supporting its integration into today's healthcare systems. Our outstanding faculty and Clinic facilities. You will earn both a Bachelors's and a Master's degree. Sarasota. A great place to live and work!
Will the program prepare me for the NCCAOM certification exams?Yes. All graduates of the Master of Science in Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine are eligible to sit for the NCCAOM certification exams to obtain certification as a Diplomate of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine (Dipl. AHM)
How long is the program?If a student attends full time, the Master of Science in Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine program takes three years and four months to complete the required 3,048 hours. The program runs year round with three terms each year.
Do you offer financial aid?Yes, the East West College of Natural Medicine offers federal financial aid to those students who qualify. Additional scholarships and grants may also be available. For more information regarding financial aid and how to apply, please visit the FINANCIAL AID section of this website, or call the Financial Aid Department at (800) 883-5528.
Where is the East West College of Natural Medicine located?The College is centrally located in beautiful Sarasota, Florida. For more information about our campus and its location, please contact us. 3808 N. Tamiami Trail Sarasota, Fl 34234 Tel: (800) 883-5528
More Journal OptionsFor more journal options, please use ProQuest
Herbal Medicine & Pharmacology Subject GuideWeb Resources About Herbs & Botanicals (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center) Chinese Herbal Medicine Dictionary (Complementary & Healing University) Chinese Medicine Specimen Database (Hong Kong Baptist University Library) Daily Med: Current Medication Information (National Institutes of Health) search by drug name, manufacturer or drug class. Provides detailed information from drug labels Dietary Supplement Information (National Institutes of Health) - Drug Interactions Checker This site provides information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications and natural products. You can create reports that show the potential for negative interactions among one or more medications. Drug Digest (from Express Scripts – a prescription benefit plan provider concerned with drug safety) search by drug name, drug category or health condition Drug Information Portal (National Institutes of Health) Provides detailed summaries with drug information, negative outcomes, articles and research studies Henriette’s Herbal Homepage (Henriette Kress, Herbalist – large medicinal herb database since 1995) HerbMedPro Database (American Botanical Council) Medicinal Plant Images Database (Hong Kong Baptist University) Native American Ethnobotany (University of Michigan) Includes information about food, drugs, dyes, and fibers derived from plants by native people). Natural Medical Protocols for Doctors (From Natural Opinion – a natural medical information company) Video Downward Draining Herbs Herbs that Release the Exterior Herbs that Clear Heat Herbs Review: Taste, Temperature, Channels How to Study Chinese Herbs Audio Botanical Biohacking Jing Herbs Radio The Strength of TCM Journals Botanical Studies (Open access, Full-text articles, Peer-Reviewed) Chinese Medicine Journal – (Open access with Full-text articles, Peer-Reviewed) Ethnobotany Research & Applications (Open access, Full-text, Peer-Reviewed) Journal of Ethnobiology & Ethnomedicine (Open access, Full-text, Peer-Reviewed) More Journal Options To access our online journal collection, please search ProQuest Browse the EWC Library Shelves Check in sections QV 4 Pharmacology, QV 766-770 Medicinal plants (plants with medicinal properties) and WB 74 and WB 925 Herbal medicine (works focusing on diseases and their treatment with medicinal plants and on the practice of herbalism and herbal medicine). Books Chinese Herbal Medicine: Materia Medica - WB 74.1 .B467c 2004 Chinese Herbal Medicine: Formulas & Strategies – WB 74.5 .B467c 2009 Chinese Herbal Formulas & Applications – WB 74 .C446c 2009 Chinese Medical Herbology & Pharmacology – WB 74 .C446cm 2004 Chinese Herbal Patent Medicines – WB 74 .C446cm 2004 Understanding Pharmacology for Health Professionals – QV 4 .T875u 2016 Integrated Pharmacology – QV 770 .JC6 .S647 2007
Anatomy & Physiology Subject GuideWeb Resources Muscle Atlas (University of Washington) Instant Anatomy (Cambridge, UK) Stereoscopic Anatomy Image Library (Stanford School of Medicine) Bassett Collection of Stereoscopic Images of Human Anatomy Clinical Skin Disease Images (Carver College of Medicine) Get Body Smart (University of Colorado) Anatomy & Physiology Resources (Rose Marie Chute – Instructor) Video Anatomy Zone Human Anatomy & Physiology (Khan Academy) Audio Anatomy on the Go Understanding Anatomy & Physiology Journals (All Full-Text & Peer-Reviewed) Anatomy & Physiology: Current Research American Journal of Clinical Anatomy & Physiology American Journal of Physiology : Endocrinology & Metabolism American Journal of Physiology: Gastrointestinal & Liver Physiology American Journal of Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology American Journal of Physiology: Lung Cellular & Molecular Physiology More Journal Options To access our online journal collection, please search ProQuest Browse the EWC Library Shelves Check in sections QP and QS to find Anatomy & Physiology Atlas of Human Anatomy - QS 17 .I299a 2002 Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology – QS 4 .M378f 2018 Realism: A Study in Structural Human Anatomy - QS 17 .E393r 2009 Visual Anatomy & Physiology – QS 17 .M378v 2015 Trail Guide to the Body: A Hands-on Guide to Locating Muscles, Bones and More – QS 17 .B545t 2014 Anatomy & Physiology Coloring Workbook – QS 18.2 .M375a 2014 Online Books Gray’s Anatomy:
NCCAOM Board PrepNCCAOM Board Prep Study Guide The EWC Library carries a number of test preparation workbooks for the NCCAOM Boards. Most of the test books can be found in the WB 18.2 section, but books on specific subjects such as herbs and biomedicine are found in different areas. You can try searching "nccaom" in our catalog to search for NCCAOM study guides. Here are some recommendations from our library collection: Acupuncture with Point Location Acupuncture (TCM Study Guide Series) by Shi Cun Wu (WB 18.2 W8a 1995) Chinese Medicine Study Guide: Acupuncture and Moxibustion by Jiping Zhao and Yanping Wang (WB 18.2 .Z436c 2007) 750 questions & answers about acupuncture (Blue Poppy Press) by Fred Jennes (WB 18.2 .J466s 2003) Biomedicine Test prep workbook for the NCCAOM bio-medicine module exam preparation and study guide (Blue Poppy Press) by Zhong Bai-song (WB 18.2 .Z466t 2006) Review and Pretest for the NCCAOM Exam in Biomedicine by Sidong Chen (WB 18.2 .C446 2009) Chinese Herbology Diagnostics (TCM Study Guide Series) by Shi Cun Wu (WB 18.2 W8d 1998) Chinese Medicine Study Guide: Formulae by Qingye Li (WB 18.2 .L5c 2009) 630 Questions and Answers About Chinese Herbal Medicine: a Workbook and Study Guide (Blue Poppy Press) by Bob Flaws (WB 18.2 .F539s 1999) Herbology, Volume I (TCM Study Guide Series) by Shi Cun Wu (WB 18.2 W85h 2000) Review and pretest for Chinese herbology licensure exams in U.S.A. by Sidong Chen (WB 18.2 .C446 2003) FOUNDATIONS OF ORIENTAL MEDICINE Chinese Medicine Study Guide: Diagnostics by Jiaxu Chen (WB 18.2 .C446d 2007) Review and Pretest for NCCAOM & California Licensing Exams in TCM Foundations by Dongcheng Li (WB 18.2 .L574t 2017) Test-taking: Help with Stress Management (videos from the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine) End Test Anxiety Ace Your Exams TCM This site includes sample test questions, practice tests, and helpful information on how to pass your exams. Additional Recommended Textbooks from the NCCAOM Board NCCAOM® Candidate Preparation Handbook for Acupuncture Certification : NCCAOM recommends reviewing the following textbooks to prepare for the Acupuncture section of the test: (Books owned by the EWC Library are marked accordingly) Primary Sources: Cheng, Xinnong, ed. Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion. 3rd ed. Fifteenth Printing 2014. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2012. (EWC library: WB 75 .C456 2009) Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Clean Needle Technique Manual Best Practices for Acupuncture Needle Safety and Related Procedures. 7th ed. Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, 2020.( Deadman, Peter, Mazin Al-Khafaji, Keven Baker. A Manual of Acupuncture. 2nd ed. East Sussex, England: Journal of Chinese Medicine Publications, 2007. (EWC library: WB 75 .D433m 1998) Maciocia, Giovanni. The Practice of Chinese Medicine: The Treatment of Disease with Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs. 2nd ed. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 2007. (EWC Library: WB 55 .C4 .M335p 2008) Secondary Sources Anzaldua, David. An Acupuncturist's Guide to Medical Red Flags & Referrals. Boulder, CO: Blue Poppy Enterprises, Inc., 2010. (EWC library: WB 72 .A593a 2010) Beresford-Cooke, Carola. Shiatsu Theory & Practice. 3rd ed. New York: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2011. Bisio, Tom. A Tooth from the Tiger's Mouth: How to Treat Your Injuries with Powerful Healing Secrets of the Great Chinese Warrior. New York: Fireside Books. 2004. (EWC library: WB 75.9 .B575t 2004) Chirali, Llkay Z. Traditional Chinese Medicine Cupping Therapy. 3rd ed. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 2014. (EWC library: WB 75 .C457t 2014) Hicks, Angela, John Hicks, and Peter Mole. Five Element Constitutional Acupuncture. 2nd ed. Churchill Livingstone, 2011. (EWC Library: WB 75 .H535f 2004) Kailin, David C. Acupuncture Risk Management: The Essential Practice Standards & Regulatory Compliance Reference. Corvallis, OR: CMS Press, 1998. (EWC Library: WB 72 .K355a 1997) Legge, David. Close to the Bone: The Treatment of Painful Musculoskeletal Disorders with Acupuncture and Other Forms of Chinese Medicine. 3rd ed. Sydney: Sydney College Press. 2000. (EWC Library: WB 70.9 .M8 .L444c 2000) Maciocia, Giovanni. The Channels of Acupuncture: Clinical Use of the Secondary Channels and Eight Extraordinary Vessels. 1st ed. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 2006. (EWC library: WB 75 .M335c 2006) Maciocia, Giovanni. The Foundations of Chinese Medicine: A Comprehensive Text for Acupuncturists and Herbalists. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 2015. (EWC Library: WB 70 .M335f 2015) Nielsen, Arya. Gua sha: A Traditional Technique for Modern Practice. 2nd ed. Churchill Livingstone, 2013. (EWC library: WB 75.3 .N545g 2013) O’Connor, John, and Dan Bensky, Trns. and Ed. Acupuncture: A Comprehensive Text. Shanghai College of Traditional Medicine. Seattle, WA: Eastland Press, 1996. (EWC Library: WB 75 .S536a 1981) Pirog, John E. The Practical Application of Meridian Style Acupuncture. Berkeley, CA: Pacific View Press, 1996. (EWC Library: WB 75 .P576p 1996) Wu, Yan, and Warren Fischer. Practical Therapeutics of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Ed. Jake P. Fratkin. Brookline, MA: Paradigm Publications, 1997. (EWC Library: WB 70.9 .W85p 1997) Xu, Xiangcai. Chinese Tui Na Massage: The Essential Guide to Treating Injuries, Improving Health & Balancing Qi, Boston, MA: YMAA Publication Center, 2002. (EWC library: WB 77.5 .T9 .X536 2002) Zhang, Ting Liang, and Bob Flaws. Trns. A Handbook of Traditional Chinese Gynecology. 3rd ed. Boulder, CO: Blue Poppy Press, 1987. NCCAOM® Candidate Preparation Handbook for Chinese Herbology : NCCAOM recommends reviewing the following textbooks to prepare for the Chinese Herbology section of the test: (Books owned by the EWC Library are marked accordingly) Primary Sources Bensky, Dan, Steven Clavey, Erich Stoger, and Andrew Gamble. Chinese Herbal Medicine: Materia Medica. Third edition. Seattle, WA: Eastland Press, 2004. (EWC Library: WB 74.1 .B467c 2004) Chen, John K., and Tina T. Chen. Chinese Herbal Formulas and Applications. City of Industry, CA: Art of Medicine Press, Inc., 2008. (EWC Library: WB 74 .C446c 2009) Chen, John K., and Tina T. Chen. Chinese Medical Herbology and Pharmacology. City of Industry, CA: Art of Medicine Press, Inc., 2004. (EWC Library: WB 74 .C446cm 2004) Scheid, Volker, Dan Bensky, Andrew Ellis, and Randall Barolet. Chinese Herbal Medicine: Formulas and Strategies. 2nd ed. Seattle, WA: Eastland Press, 2009. (EWC Library: WB 74.5 .B467c 2009) Secondary Sources Cheng, Xinnong, ed. Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion. 3rd ed. Fifteenth Printing 2014. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2012. (EWC Library: WB 75 .C456 2009) Fratkin, Jake Paul. Chinese Herbal Patent Medicines: The Clinical Desk Reference. Boulder, CO: Shya Publications, 2001. (EWC Library: WB 74.5 .F738c 2001) Lu, Henry C. Chinese System of Food Cures: Prevention & Remedies. New York: Sterling Publishing, 1986. Maciocia, Giovanni. Obstetrics & Gynecology in Chinese Medicine. 2nd.ed. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 2011. (EWC Library: WB 70.8 .M335o 1998) Maciocia, Giovanni. The Foundations of Chinese Medicine. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 2015. (EWC Library: WB 70 .M335f 2015) Wu, Yan, and Warren Fischer. Practical Therapeutics of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Ed. Jake P. Fratkin. Brookline, MA: Paradigm Publications, 1997. (EWC Library: WB 70.9 .W85p 1997) Websites: Websites Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) U.S. Food and Drug Administration [Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMP)] NCCAOM® Candidate Preparation Handbook for Foundations of Oriental Medicine : ( NCCAOM recommends reviewing the following textbooks to prepare for the Foundations of Oriental Medicine section of the test: (Books owned by the EWC Library are marked accordingly) Cheng, Xinnong, ed. Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion. 3rd ed. Fifteenth Printing 2014. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2012. (EWC Library: WB 75 .C456 2009) Clavey, Steven. Fluid Physiology and Pathology in Traditional Chinese Medicine. 2nd ed. Churchill Livingstone, 2003. EWC Library: WB 74.9 .C538f 2003) Deng, Tietao. Practical Diagnosis in Traditional Chinese Medicine. London: Churchill Livingstone, 1999. (EWC Library: WB 73 .D464p 1999) Kaptchuk, Ted J. The Web That Has No Weaver: Understanding Chinese Medicine. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000. (EWC Library: WB 70 .K378w 2000) Maciocia, Giovanni. Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine: A Comprehensive Guide. Philadelphia: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 2004. (EWC Library: WB 73 .M335d 2019) Maciocia, Giovanni. The Foundations of Chinese Medicine. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 2015. (EWC Library: WB 70 .M335f 2015) Maciocia, Giovanni. The Practice of Chinese Medicine. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 2007. (EWC Library: WB 55 .C4 .M335p 2008) Scheid, Volker, Dan Bensky, Andrew Ellis, and Randall Barolet. Chinese Herbal Medicine: Formulas and Strategies. 2nd ed. Seattle, WA: Eastland Press, 2009. (EWC Library: WB 74.5 .B467c 2009) Wiseman, Nigel, and Andy Ellis. Fundamentals of Chinese Medicine. Revised Edition. Brookline, MA: Paradigm Publications, 1995. (EWC library: WB 70 .F863 1996) Wu, Yan, and Warren Fischer. Practical Therapeutics of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Ed. Jake P. Fratkin. Brookline, MA: Paradigm Publications, 1997. (EWC Library: WB 70.9 .W85p 1997) NCCAOM® Candidate Preparation Handbook for Biomedicine : NCCAOM recommends reviewing the following textbooks to prepare for the Biomedicine section of the test: (Books owned by the EWC Library are marked accordingly) Anzaldua, David. An Acupuncturist's Guide to Medical Red Flags & Referrals. Boulder, CO: Blue Poppy Enterprises, Inc., 2010. (EWC Library: WB 72 .A593a 2010) Bickley, Lynn S. Bates’ Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking. 11th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers, 2012. (EWC Library: WB 205 .B535b 2009) Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Clean Needle Technique Manual Best Practices for Acupuncture Needle Safety and Related Procedures. 7th ed. Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, 2015. Fischback, Frances and Marshall B. Dunning. A Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests . 9th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers, 2014. Kailin, David C. Quality in Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Corvallis, OR: CMS Press, 2006. (EWC Library: WB 890 .K355q 2006) Katzung, Bertram G., Susan B. Masters, and Anthony J. Trevor, eds. Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. 14th ed. New York: McGraw Hill Medical, 2018. (EWC library: QV 4 .B375 2018) Magee, David J. Orthopedic Physical Assessment, 6th ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier, 2013. (EWC Library: WE 5 .M344o 2008) Papadakis, Maxine A., Stephen J. McPhee, and Michael W. Rabow. Current Diagnosis and Medical Treatment. Columbus: McGraw-Hill Education. (Current Edition) (EWC Library: WB 141 .P373 2016) Porter, Robert S. (Ed.). The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy. 20th ed. West Point, PA: Merck & Co. Inc., 2018. (EWC Library: W 13 .M473 2018) Pitchford, Paul. Healing With Whole Foods: Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition. 3rd Edition. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2002. (EWC Library: WB 400 .P583h 2002) Books Chinese Herbal Medicine: Materia Medica - WB 74.1 .B467c 2004 Chinese Herbal Medicine: Formulas & Strategies – WB 74.5 .B467c 2009 Chinese Herbal Formulas & Applications – WB 74 .C446c 2009 Chinese Medical Herbology & Pharmacology – WB 74 .C446cm 2004 Chinese Herbal Patent Medicines – WB 74 .C446cm 2004 Understanding Pharmacology for Health Professionals – QV 4 .T875u 2016 Integrated Pharmacology – QV 770 .JC6 .S647 2007
Qigong & Tai ChiWeb Resources National Qigong Associations (Events, teachers, certification, research) Qigong Institute (includes videos, courses, articles, scientific papers and much more related to qigong, Tai Chi and Energy Medicine.) World Tai Chi Day- (This site provides education, links to research articles, and information on finding local teachers. ) Slanted Flying -(Articles, news, videos, book reviews, school directory) World Journal of Yoga, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation – (open access, full-text, peer-reviewed) Includes articles on topics such as: yoga, Ayurveda, naturopathy, physiotherapy, TCM, Tai Chi, massage therapy, homeopathy and acupuncture.) EWC Library: Check in section WB 76.5 to find books on Qigong or Tai Chi. Books: The Way of Energy by Master Lam Kam Chuen (WB 76.5 .Q1 .C484w 1991) Heal Yourself with Qigong by Suzanne Friedman (WB 76.5 .Q1 .F754h 2009) Qi Gong Therapy : The Chinese Art of Healing with Energy by Tzu Kuo Shih (WB 76.5 .Q1 .S554q 1994) The Root of Chinese Qigong by Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming (WB 76.5 .Q1 .Y364r 1997) Imagination Becomes Reality: The Teaching of Master T’ung-Tsai (WB 76.5 .T1 .L536i 1984) Cultivating the Ch’I by Stuart Alve Olson (WB 76.5 .T1 .O476c 1992) Advanced Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan by Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming (WB 76.5 .T1 .Y364a 1987)